- Bahasa: Inggris
- Jumlah Halaman: 5
- Format file: PDF
- Publisher: Nagoya Institute of Technology, IlmuKomputer.Com
- Tahun terbit: January 2003
- Download thesis lengkap (PDF): anto-abstract-sc.zip
A solution of a computational task, however, can
not always be stated clearly. Many problems in real-life domain are
always accompanied by imprecision or uncertainty factors. Sometimes the
information is far from complete, but a precise decision is required. In
such situation, human can make a correct decision, while computer
requires complex calculation to make a mathematical model of the
problem. One example of problems with such properties is handwriting
character recognition. According to the conventional methods described
in prior, we have to collect almost unlimited amount of representative
handwriting samples, and derive a certain formula or rule to make a
decision to which character that a handwriting pattern should be
classified. However, this kind of effort is not practical and the
formula will not tolerate to any deviation might occur in the
handwriting pattern of different persons. The character recognition
system should also tolerate the imprecision and uncertainty as common
characteristics of the handwriting characters. The solution to problems
with these properties is a family of algorithms named softcomputing.