- Bahasa: Indonesia
- Jumlah Halaman: 19
- Format file: PDF
- Publisher: Universitas Narotama Surabaya, IlmuKomputer.Com
- Tahun terbit: Februari 2004
- Download thesis lengkap (PDF): tony-thesis.zip
EXACT - an Expert system for structural analysis and design of
communication towers. The three inputs given to a tower designer are the
tower height (Ht in meters) , wind velocity (V in m/second) and weight of
antennae (P in kgs). Based on these inputs, the overall configuration of
the tower has to fixed by the users, e.g.. , number of panel on the top of
tower, height of top�s panel, type of bracing. Parameters such as the base
width, the top width, spacing of the panels, will be given on to the
The IF-THEN format of the knowledge representations used to make
the system "learn" the rule as it solves more problems. A sample session
with EXACT is also included. The system is implemented on Microsoft
Windows using Visual Dbase 5.5. The obtained final results are
dimensions of optimum equal angles.