- Penulis: Romi Satria Wahono
- Bahasa: Inggris
- Jumlah halaman: 43
- Format file: PDF
- Publisher: IlmuKomputer.Com
- Tahun terbit: April 2003
- Download makalah lengkap: romi-ooad.zip
first object-oriented language is generally acknowledged to be
Simula-67, developed in 1967. This language never had a significant
following, although it greatly influenced the developers of several of
the later object-oriented languages. The object-oriented movement became
active with the widespread availability of Smalltalk in the early
1980s, followed by other object-oriented languages, such as Objective C,
C++, Eiffel and CLOS. About five years after Smalltalk became widely
known, the first object-oriented development methods were published by
Shlaer/Mellor [Shlaer-1988] and Coad/ Yourdon [Coad-1991], followed
closely by books by Booch [Booch-1991], Rumbaugh [Rumbaugh-1991],
Wirfs-Brock [Wirfs-Brock-1990]. The first phase was complete by the end
of 1990. The Objectory book [Jacobson-1992] was published slightly
later, based on work that had appeared earlier papers. This book took a
somewhat different approach, with its focus on use cases and the
development process.
Over the next five years, a plethora of books on
object-oriented methodology appeared, each with its own set of concepts,
definitions, notations, terminology, and process. Some added useful new
concept, but overall there was a great similarity among the concepts
proposed by different authors. Many of the newer books started from one
or more of the existing methods and made extensions or minor changes.
There were some early attempts to unify concepts
among methods. The first successful attempt to combine and replace
existing approaches came when Rumbaugh joined Booch at Rational Software
Corporation in 1994. They began combining the concepts from the OMT and
Booch methods, resulting in a first proposal in 1995. At that time,
Jacobson also joined Rational and began working with Booch and Rumbaugh.
Their joint work was called the Unified Modeling Language (UML).
1996, the Object Management Group (OMG) issued a request for proposals
for standard approach to object-oriented modeling. UML authors Booch,
Jacobson, and Rumbaugh began working with methodologists and developers
from other companies to produce a proposal attractive to the membership
of OMG, as well as a modeling language that would be widely accepted by
tool makers, methodologists, and developers who would be the eventual
users. Several competing effort also were started. Eventually, all the
proposals coalesced in the final UML proposal that was submitted to the
OMG in September 1997. The latest OMG-UML specification [UML-1999] may
be found the Internet at www.omg.org and www.rational.org.
This paper presents a comprehensif introduction to
object-oriented analysis and design. A simple example of the software
project for Automated Teller Machines (ATM) network is given in this
paper. It is provided for a comprehensive explanation about how to use
the object-oriented analysis and design methodology, especially Rumbaugh
OMT method.